
Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$0
Fully Diluted ValuationN/A
ATH Date10/17/2021, 9:24:51 PM
ATL Date8/28/2020, 6:27:34 PM
Circulating SupplyN/A
Total Supply4.5B
Popularity Rank1499

Zimbocash (ZASH) is a decentralized payments wallet that primarily caters to Zimbabweans. The platform utilizes a unique currency system called ZASH, which works similarly to traditional currencies but with a fixed supply. Built on blockchain technology, ZASH seeks to offer a more stable currency option to the people of Zimbabwe and provide a solution to the country's inflation issues.

The excessive printing of currency has led to a shortage of fuel and essential commodities in Zimbabwe, robbing ordinary people of value and undermining the country's productive capacity. Zimbabwe has faced significant inflation periods with its traditional currency, and even established cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have limited accessibility in the Zimbabwean market, making international payments difficult for individuals and businesses.

To address these challenges, ZASH seeks to combine the benefits of Bitcoin while addressing its weaknesses. As a decentralized currency, people can use ZASH for their day-to-day trades, and as the network expands, the value of ZASH aims to increase, and more people are expected to join in to use it as a medium of exchange. Each Zimbabwean who joins the system can receive 400 ZASH allocated until the total available supply is allocated. Moreover, Zimbocash offers a referral incentive of 10% for each active referral made into the system.

The ZIMBOCASH development program seeks to identify top candidates as ambassadors for the movement. To apply for the position, one needs to have received at least ten First Payment Rewards, which can be small amounts paid to friends who have already been verified. The ultimate goal of Zimbocash (ZASH) is to become a tradable currency, first in Zimbabwe and then globally.

Zimbocash (ZASH) was co-founded by Philip Haslam, an economist from South Africa, who was inspired by decentralized currencies and believed that they could solve Zimbabwe's current challenges. With ZASH, the platform aims to provide a stable and secure currency option that can address Zimbabwe's inflation and currency challenges.

By offering a decentralized payments wallet and introducing a fixed supply currency system, Zimbocash (ZASH) seeks to provide Zimbabweans with a more stable and secure currency option that can help them meet their daily needs. With the ZIMBOCASH development program, the platform aims to expand its reach and offer the people of Zimbabwe an alternative solution that can potentially improve their economic conditions.


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