
Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$5.05
Fully Diluted ValuationN/A
ATH Date5/8/2022, 1:17:20 PM
ATL Date6/20/2022, 8:56:06 PM
Circulating SupplyN/A
Total Supply5B
Popularity RankN/A
What is is a revolutionary prediction market platform that allows users to predict future events and participate in arrangements where accurate predictions can result in financial rewards while incorrect ones can incur penalties. The platform is entirely decentralized and trustless, meaning that it operates without a central authority or intermediary, providing users with complete transparency and fairness.

Using, users can predict the outcomes of a wide range of events, from sports matches to political elections, and even global economic trends. By staking digital assets on their predictions, users have a financial incentive to make accurate forecasts, as their successful predictions will result in monetary rewards.

The platform creates a reflection of the general expectation of occurrence of a certain event or outcome, as users' predictions are aggregated to provide a collective view of the likelihood of an event occurring. This information can be useful for a variety of purposes, from betting to risk management.

What sets apart from traditional prediction markets is its trustless and decentralized nature. The platform operates on a blockchain, meaning that all transactions and predictions are recorded immutably and transparently. The absence of a central authority or intermediary eliminates the risk of fraud, censorship, or manipulation, providing users with a fair and secure environment for prediction market activities.

In addition to its decentralized nature, offers several other advantages. It is user-friendly, allowing anyone to participate in prediction markets with ease. It is also fast and efficient, with transactions processed quickly and at low fees. The platform is highly scalable, able to handle a large volume of transactions and users.

Overall, represents a significant development in the prediction market space, providing users with a decentralized and trustless platform for predicting future events and earning financial rewards. Its transparency, security, and scalability make it an attractive option for anyone interested in prediction markets, from individual users to businesses and organizations.


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