Vision Metaverse

Vision Metaverse


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$29,270
Fully Diluted ValuationN/A
ATH Date10/2/2022, 7:37:20 PM
ATL Date5/12/2022, 10:28:07 AM
Circulating SupplyN/A
Total Supply657K
Popularity RankN/A
What is Vision Metaverse?

The Vision code is entirely open source. Anyone can read it, track its progress, provide comments, and contribute to building the ecosystem. The creator of Vision Engine, the Vision Metaverse engine, is a game development tool that focuses on content creation. It utilizes a scripted, component-based, and data-driven approach.

With an improved rewards distribution mechanism, Vision offers a more reliable network structure, user asset, intrinsic value, and a higher degree of decentralization consensus. Investors can earn rewards by staking their VS tokens to help secure the network. With just a few clicks, they can choose their staking node, start earning rewards, and utilize their staked funds as collateral in DeFi applications.

VS tokens can be pledged as liquid assets in a wallet to receive rewards or staked and voted in a stake pool for higher rewards. Users have the option to choose the lock duration for their delegation, ranging from no lock to up to a year lock, in order to increase their staking rewards. On Vision, pledged VS tokens provide liquidity and can be used as photon or entropy, synthetic assets within the Vision ecosystem. Furthermore, users can compound their staking rewards by receiving rewards periodically and reinvesting them for even greater returns.

VS is the native token of the Vision platform. It serves as a new currency that permanently, securely, and transparently stores value within the Vision ecosystem. Every VS holder also possesses a stake in the Vision network. VS tokens stored in a wallet can be pledged and voted in a stake pool to earn specialized-minting rewards, which contribute to the successful operation of the network. Alternatively, they can be pledged as liquid assets in a wallet to receive spread-minting rewards. In the future, VS will have various applications and services within the Vision Ecosystem.

VRC-10 tokens are issued through the system contract. VRC-10 is a technical token standard that is natively supported by the Vision blockchain, without requiring the Vision Virtual Machine (VVM). Every account has the ability to issue tokens at the cost of 1024 VS tokens. Users can choose to lock their tokens separately. When issuing tokens, the issuer needs to specify details such as the token name, total capitalization, exchange rate to VS tokens, circulation duration, description, website, maximum photon points consumption per account, total photon points consumption, and token freeze. These are the basics, but there are also more advanced features available, such as publishing collections with their own set of permissions. Feel free to explore further, but for now, let's take a glimpse at the GitBook editor.

VRC-20 is a technical standard used for implementing tokens with the Vision Virtual Machine (VVM) on the Vision blockchain. It is fully compatible with the ERC-20 standard.


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