


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$9,933.09
Fully Diluted ValuationN/A
ATH Date3/29/2021, 7:46:41 PM
ATL Date7/28/2021, 10:00:59 AM
Circulating SupplyN/A
Total Supply1B
Popularity Rank2305
What is TrustVerse?

TrustVerse is a leading provider of cutting-edge web3 and blockchain technologies that drive widespread adoption of DeFi/GameFi/Metaverse platforms. With a focus on simplicity and security, TrustVerse utilizes patented non-custodial wallet password management product MasterKey to ensure that digital assets are secure and accessible.

The company also develops enterprise-grade digital asset management and advisory capabilities with a quantitative strategy focus, positioning itself as a leader in the industry. TrustVerse has set ambitious goals for 2022, including the introduction of new products and technology advancements.

One of the key milestones for TrustVerse is the transition from R3 to Polygon chain, which will provide much more scalable service offerings like MasterKey API, MasterKey DApp, and MarS support. MarS will offer NFT features, as well as AERGO and other protocol support.

Another significant development is the MasterKey product, which will offer scalable legacy inheritance and planning as an additional institutional feature. This service will be free of charge, providing significant value to customers. TrustVerse will also be integrating DeFi/NFT/GameFi services into its offerings, providing a comprehensive suite of services to its customers.

MarS, a wallet solution, is a necessary component for users to obtain their own wallet. This wallet solution offers easy transfer of digital assets using QR codes and fast access to wallet assets, making it simple for users to add Ethereum protocol tokens and BTC to their wallets. With MarS, TRV token holders can enjoy easy portability and multiple capabilities to support the TRV ecosystem as well as ecosystem partner protocols.

TrustVerse is dedicated to providing the most advanced and secure solutions for digital asset management, and is constantly innovating to keep pace with the rapidly evolving blockchain technology landscape. With a focus on simplicity, security, and innovation, TrustVerse is poised to continue driving widespread adoption of DeFi/GameFi/Metaverse platforms for years to come.


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