The Graph

The Graph


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$50,943,002.86
Fully Diluted Valuation$100,000,000
ATH Date2/12/2021, 10:28:45 AM
ATL Date11/22/2022, 1:05:03 PM
Circulating Supply7.4B
Total Supply10B
Popularity Rank51
What is The Graph?

The Graph is a protocol that enables developers to create decentralized applications (DApps) by providing access to on-chain data indexed by a network of node operators. The Graph uses open application programming interfaces (APIs) called subgraphs, which are open-source, to access data from blockchains like Ethereum. The protocol's native token, GRT, is used as a utility token to incentivize participants in the market for queries about on-chain data.

The Graph was founded in January 2019 by Yaniv Tal, Jannis Pohlmann, and Brandon Ramirez. The team identified a need for a solution that addressed data query problems associated with creating smart contracts on Ethereum. Before the creation of The Graph, developers were required to use centralized in-house servers and databases to access, index, and query data from blockchains, making it difficult, costly, and risky to create DApps that leverage blockchain data. The Graph's indexing protocol, through the use of subgraphs, makes it easier for developers to draw data from blockchains like Ethereum.

In October 2020, ahead of the launch of The Graph's mainnet, the project team distributed GRT tokens to would-be network participants. The initial circulating token supply was set at 1,245,666,867 GRT tokens, 400 million of which were sold for US$0.03 worth of ETH each. The total GRT supply for the mainnet launch was set at 10 billion, with further token issuance through indexing incentives beginning at around 3% yearly and subject to future independent technical governance. After three years of beta testing, The Graph's mainnet became operational in December 2020, during which about 12.5% of the total token supply went into circulation.

The Graph's protocol is designed to index and organize data from blockchains and make it more accessible. Developers can build subgraphs, or open APIs, that allow DApps to search and process blockchain information and build solutions on blockchains. The Graph Network is divided into four groups: indexers, curators, delegators, and consumers. Indexers operate nodes in The Graph Network and stake GRT to provide indexing and query processing services, earning GRT for their services. Curators signal which APIs should be indexed on the network by depositing GRT into a bond related to a subgraph, where they earn a portion of the fees from the subgraph being signaled. Delegators allocate GRT to indexers in exchange for a portion of the fees and rewards earned by that indexer, while also helping in securing the network.

What sets The Graph apart from other indexing protocols is its use of subgraphs, which are open APIs that developers can use to access on-chain data. These subgraphs are created and maintained by the community, making it easier for developers to access and utilize blockchain data without the need for expensive and centralized servers. This allows for a more decentralized and accessible platform for creating DApps.

The Graph also utilizes a unique economic model through the use of its GRT token. These tokens are used to incentivize network participants, including indexers, curators, and delegators, for providing services to the network. These incentives not only help to secure the network but also promote the growth of the ecosystem.

One of the key advantages of The Graph is its ability to scale. The protocol can handle thousands of queries per second, making it a viable solution for large-scale DApps and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Additionally, The Graph is also interoperable with other blockchains, such as Ethereum, InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), and POA, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of projects.

The Graph has already seen significant adoption from the DeFi community, with several popular projects, such as Uniswap and Synthetix, using the protocol to access and utilize on-chain data. Additionally, the project has attracted attention from high-profile investors, with a group of venture capital firms creating a $205 million ecosystem fund for The Graph in February 2022.

In conclusion, The Graph is a protocol that aims to make it easier for developers to access and utilize blockchain data. By using subgraphs and a unique economic model, The Graph is able to provide a more decentralized and accessible solution for creating DApps. Additionally, the protocol's scalability and interoperability make it a versatile solution for a wide range of projects. With already significant adoption in the DeFi community and a growing ecosystem, The Graph is poised to become a leading player in the blockchain indexing space.


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