


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$483.5
Fully Diluted ValuationN/A
ATH Date4/8/2022, 3:14:34 PM
ATL Date12/12/2022, 4:50:30 AM
Circulating Supply552K
Total Supply10M
Popularity Rank2839
What is Stronger?

StrongBlock is the only blockchain-agnostic protocol that rewards nodes for supporting the infrastructure of their blockchain. This innovative concept is the solution to the challenge of limited resources and no financial incentive, leading to out-of-date software, incomplete blockchain histories, and intermittent off-line nodes. StrongBlock has created a mechanism to address this problem by enabling anyone to create a node in seconds and receive STRONG token rewards every day. More nodes mean more resilience, and currently, StrongBlock is rewarding over 1700 Ethereum 1.0 nodes, representing more than 15% of all Ethereum active nodes.

The StrongBlock team is composed of blockchain and enterprise software veterans, including CEO David Moss, CTO Brian Abramson, and CPO Corey Lederer. StrongBlock has made it possible for users to create nodes easily, and in turn, receive STRONG tokens as rewards. This mechanism ensures that the nodes are maintained and kept up-to-date, contributing to the resilience of the network. The protocol is designed to provide an ongoing Node Universal Basic Income (NUBI), and STRONG earned in this way is then used to govern the protocol. As the protocol matures, potential reward deficits can be addressed by the community via protocol governance in many ways.

Node rewards are in STRONG, and in the future, they will also include NFTs. ERC-1155 NFT tokens are achieved under certain conditions to be determined. NUBI rewards calculations are based on many factors, including the number of nodes, node health, node revenue, token price, and NFT ownership. The rewards are variable and not guaranteed. The community measures to ensure ongoing node rewards may include increasing community contributions per node, lowering NUBI, creating different NUBI classes, charging a renewal fee, burning STRONG for NFTs, and other measures.

The StrongBlock protocol generates revenue to be used for technical operations via Ethereum transaction fees. These small transaction fees are added throughout the protocol for activities such as mining, unmining, claiming, and registration. The StrongBlock protocol is gradually moving towards decentralization.

StrongBlock currently supports Ethereum 1.0 Full Nodes, but Ethereum 2.0, Bitcoin, and other protocols will be eligible at a later date. The STRONG token is a governance token, enabling decentralized protocol governance. The original supply of STRONG was 10,000,000, and it had 9,472,218.9008 burned over time, with the new max STRONG supply being 528,886. The total community STRONG is 330,366 (62.46%), and the total team and shareholder Strong is 198,520.43 (37.54%). The community rewards reserve is 196,459.58.

The StrongBlock protocol is designed to prioritize the safety and sustainability of node rewards by using incentives and governance. This strategy compounds value for token holders by regularly reducing supply. StrongBlock's NFT tokens are non-fungible, unique, serialized, and come in Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum 3D tokens. These tokens are used as souvenirs, and each serialized NFT will have a limited supply.

Nodes as a Service (NaaS) and Bring your own Node (ByoN) are the two methods used to submit nodes for rewards eligibility. The rewards, fees, and availability are subject to change over time. The Node Signaling Rewards are available for each STRONG token mined in the Strong Pool. Signaling indicates which nodes you wish to support, and both you and the node you are signaling receive a small amount of STRONG for your participation. Your signal stays in place until you recall it.

In conclusion, StrongBlock is the first blockchain-agnostic protocol that rewards nodes for supporting the infrastructure of their blockchain network. It offers a unique approach to incentivizing node operators, encouraging them to provide better service and security for their respective blockchain networks. With StrongBlock, node operators can earn rewards for their contributions in the form of native tokens. The protocol is designed to be compatible with multiple blockchains, allowing for seamless integration and interoperability. This makes StrongBlock a versatile and attractive option for developers and users alike who seek a decentralized, secure, and reliable blockchain infrastructure. By creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem for node operators and users, StrongBlock is helping to advance the adoption and evolution of blockchain technology.


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