


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$15,594.83
Fully Diluted Valuation$946,964
ATH Date1/20/2021, 1:12:45 AM
ATL Date3/10/2023, 1:29:52 AM
Circulating Supply187M
Total Supply370M
Popularity Rank2421
What is Ston?

STON is a unique cryptocurrency that powers Mainston's innovative blockchain solutions and global ecosystems. It is an open, public, and decentralized currency that operates with a permanently fixed and limited supply. STON's transparent, neutral, and censorship-resistant nature makes it a reliable cryptocurrency for people worldwide.

Mainston aims to transform the way money is moved, spent, and invested. By creating easy-to-use financial products and services, Mainston is democratizing blockchain technology and accelerating cryptocurrency adoption. STON is the currency that enables users to securely communicate, interact, and transact within the Mainston community.

With STON, users can enjoy the benefits of a cryptocurrency that is highly scalable and adaptable. The global contracting blockchain behind STON can handle a wide range of businesses looking to negotiate contracts for the benefit of all parties involved. This makes STON a versatile cryptocurrency that is ideal for a broad range of use cases.

As a deflationary currency, STON's limited supply ensures a constant increase in liquidity that helps raise the price floor. Through the tokenomics of buybacks and sending bought tokens to a dead wallet, the currency adds true value to the holders. Additionally, part of the buyback is reinvested in the system, making it a perpetual system.

STON's unique features make it a reliable, valuable, and secure cryptocurrency that is perfect for people looking to explore the world of blockchain technology. By leveraging Mainston's solutions and ecosystems, users can experience the full potential of STON and transform the way they transact and interact with others.

In conclusion, STON and Mainston offer a unique combination of innovation, scalability, and reliability that sets them apart in the world of blockchain technology. As a decentralized, open, and transparent cryptocurrency, STON provides a secure and censorship-resistant option for people worldwide. With its deflationary tokenomics and global contracting blockchain, STON is a versatile currency that can be adapted to a broad range of businesses and use cases. Mainston's commitment to democratizing blockchain technology and accelerating cryptocurrency adoption makes it an ideal platform for anyone looking to explore the potential of STON and the world of decentralized finance.


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