Stellar Diamond

Stellar Diamond


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$18.71
Fully Diluted ValuationN/A
ATH Date7/7/2021, 10:00:25 AM
ATL Date6/15/2022, 12:52:54 PM
Circulating SupplyN/A
Total Supply1T
Popularity RankN/A
What is Stellar Diamond?

Introducing XLD, a groundbreaking BSC (Binance Smart Chain) token that revolutionizes the world of decentralized finance. With its unique auto-claim BNB rewarding process and a range of innovative features, XLD offers a seamless and rewarding experience for token holders. By holding XLD tokens, users become part of a dynamic ecosystem that provides regular BNB rewards, auto-liquidity provisioning, and gradual buybacks & burns.

The core functionality of XLD revolves around the auto-claim BNB rewarding process. As a token holder, you automatically receive BNB rewards at regular intervals. These rewards are distributed by the contract to the addresses that hold XLD tokens. The amount of BNB received depends on the number of XLD tokens owned and the size of the BNB pool. This innovative mechanism incentivizes users to hold onto their XLD tokens and participate actively in the ecosystem.

To fuel the BNB rewards, a 16% tax is applied to every XLD transaction. This tax ensures a sustainable and robust reward system by allocating funds from each transaction to fill up the BNB pool. As the pool grows, so does the potential for higher BNB rewards for token holders. This creates an attractive incentive structure, encouraging users to accumulate and hold XLD tokens, while also fostering a thriving and engaged community.

In addition to the auto-claim BNB rewards, XLD offers several other exciting features designed to enhance the overall experience for token holders. One such feature is auto-liquidity provisioning. The contract automatically adds liquidity to the XLD-BNB trading pair at regular intervals. This helps to increase the stability and liquidity of the token, providing a more seamless trading experience for users. The auto-liquidity feature contributes to the overall health and sustainability of the XLD ecosystem.

Furthermore, XLD introduces a re-invest option, allowing users to maximize their earnings potential. With this feature, token holders have the choice to allocate a portion of their BNB rewards to be automatically re-invested into XLD tokens. The re-invested XLD tokens are promptly sent to the users' wallets, increasing their holdings and potentially multiplying their rewards over time. This feature empowers users to optimize their participation in the XLD ecosystem and compound their earnings effortlessly.

As part of its commitment to long-term value appreciation, XLD implements gradual buybacks and burns. The contract systematically buys XLD tokens from the market and burns them, effectively reducing the available supply. This strategy creates a scarcity of tokens, driving up their value and benefiting all token holders. The gradual buybacks and burns serve as a mechanism to sustainably increase the price of XLD, while simultaneously rewarding loyal holders.

It is important to note that XLD is built on the Binance Smart Chain, leveraging its robust infrastructure and ecosystem. The use of this blockchain ensures fast, secure, and cost-effective transactions for XLD token holders. By harnessing the power of BSC, XLD provides a seamless and efficient platform for users to engage in DeFi activities and reap the rewards of their participation.

In conclusion, XLD introduces a new paradigm in the world of decentralized finance. With its auto-claim BNB rewarding process, auto-liquidity provisioning, re-invest feature, and gradual buybacks & burns, XLD offers an enticing opportunity for token holders. By participating in the XLD ecosystem, users can earn regular BNB rewards, enjoy increased liquidity, and benefit from the token's scarcity and value appreciation. Explore the potential of XLD today and unlock a world of rewarding possibilities.


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