SSV Network

SSV Network


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$17,078,495.97
Fully Diluted Valuation$100,000,000
ATH Date10/22/2021, 12:26:20 AM
ATL Date6/18/2022, 11:56:57 PM
Circulating Supply7M
Total Supply11M
Popularity Rank167
What is SSV Network? is a fully decentralized open Ethereum staking network that aims to address the main concerns faced with Ethereum staking. The network provides an open architecture for anyone who wants to run an Ethereum validator, from individual users to staking pools and large institutional staking services.

One of the main concerns that addresses is the custody and management of private keys. The network's use of Secret Shared Validators (SSV) allows for a secure and robust mechanism to split a validator key for ETH staking between non-trusting nodes, or operators. This ensures that no operator has to rely on the other to function and no operator can take control of the network arbitrarily.

Another concern that addresses is liveliness and redundancy. The network's decentralized architecture ensures that there is no single point of failure and that the network is always live and available. The network also employs security and encryption measures to ensure the safety of user's assets.

The SSV token is the native token of the platform. The token serves as the link between the community and the SSV ecosystem. The token's two key use cases are payments and governance. Stakers who use the platform pay operators in SSV. The DAO treasury, which is controlled by the community, decides on the percent payout in an open vote. The treasury's aim is to promote the network's growth and development initiatives, resulting in a virtuous cycle of ETH inflows and SSV revenue.

The ecosystem is composed of three fundamental foundations, Stakers/validators, operators, and DAO members. Operators form the backbone of the decentralized staking ecosystem, allowing stakers to join the network. Anyone can join the DAO and play an important part in the network's governance.

In conclusion, is a revolutionary platform that aims to address the main concerns faced with Ethereum staking. The network's use of Secret Shared Validators, decentralized architecture, and token-based governance system ensures that the network is secure, decentralized, and always live. The SSV token serves as the link between the community and the ecosystem, and its use cases of payments and governance incentivize the growth and development of the network.

The's decentralized architecture ensures that the network is always live and available, providing a high degree of fault tolerance and security. The network's use of Secret Shared Validators (SSV) allows for the control and functioning of an Ethereum validator to be distributed, ensuring that no operator has to rely on the other to function and no operator can take control of the network arbitrarily. This ensures that the network is truly decentralized and secure.

One of the key features of is that it allows for an open architecture for anyone who wants to run an Ethereum validator. This means that anyone, from individual users to staking pools and large institutional staking services, can participate in the network. This allows for a more inclusive and decentralized ecosystem, where everyone has the opportunity to earn rewards for staking their Ethereum.

The SSV token serves as the link between the community and the SSV ecosystem. The token's two key use cases are payments and governance. Stakers who use the platform pay operators in SSV. The DAO treasury, which is controlled by the community, decides on the percent payout in an open vote. This means that the community has a direct say in how the network is run and how the rewards are distributed.

The ecosystem is composed of three fundamental foundations: Stakers/validators, operators, and DAO members. Stakers/validators are the ones who stake their Ethereum on the network, operators are the ones who run the validators and provide the infrastructure for the network, and DAO members are the ones who govern the network. Each of these groups plays an important role in ensuring the security, decentralization, and governance of the network.

In conclusion, is a revolutionary platform that aims to address the main concerns faced with Ethereum staking. The network's use of Secret Shared Validators, decentralized architecture, and token-based governance system ensures that the network is secure, decentralized, and always live. The SSV token serves as the link between the community and the ecosystem, and its use cases of payments and governance incentivize the growth and development of the network. The open architecture of the network allows for anyone to participate in the network, providing a more inclusive and decentralized ecosystem. The different groups that make up the ecosystem, Stakers/validators, operators, and DAO members, work together to ensure the security, decentralization, and governance of the network. Overall, provides a solution to the challenges faced in Ethereum staking, making it a promising platform for users to stake their Ethereum and earn rewards.


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