Pochi Inu

Pochi Inu


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$0
Fully Diluted ValuationN/A
ATH Date2/23/2022, 9:02:27 AM
ATL Date11/21/2022, 10:36:04 PM
Circulating SupplyN/A
Total Supply100B
Popularity Rank13936
What is Pochi Inu?

Pochi is an innovative project that aims to bring a unique concept of growth and decay to the world of NFTs. The team behind Pochi will develop NFTs of puppies that will represent the concepts of growth and decay through robust smart contracts. These custom-made gaming assets will be designed to allow you to interact with your virtual pet in our metadata repository, providing you with an immersive and engaging experience.

The Pochi Inu NFTs will be built on the Ethereum blockchain and will be designed to represent a virtual puppy that you can feed and nurture over time. The Pochi Inu token will be used to represent the "nutrition" part of the equation. As an owner, you will have to risk your Pochi Inu tokens to feed your virtual puppy, and over time, your puppy will grow and develop, becoming a valuable and unique asset that you can trade and sell in the market.

The Pochi team is composed of experts from different verticals of the IT world, bringing together a wealth of expertise and experience in managing, guiding, and operating blockchain technology, as well as interpreting technical analysis. With their combined strengths, the team is committed to providing loyal owners with a unique type of passive income through the Pochi Inu NFTs.

One of the key features of the Pochi Inu NFTs is the ability to interact with your virtual pet. As an owner, you can feed your puppy with your Pochi Inu tokens, watch it grow and develop, and even train it for battle. The Pochi Inu tokens are a vital part of the ecosystem, providing the necessary "nutrition" to keep your virtual pet healthy and strong.

The Pochi Inu NFTs are also designed to be a collectible asset, with each NFT representing a unique and valuable virtual puppy. As your puppy grows and develops, its value will increase, making it a valuable asset that you can trade and sell on the market.

The Pochi Inu NFTs are built on robust smart contracts that represent the concepts of growth and decay. As an owner, you will have to risk your Pochi Inu tokens to feed your virtual puppy, which will grow and develop over time. However, if you fail to feed your virtual pet, it will start to decay, losing value and becoming a liability.

The Pochi Inu team has developed these smart contracts to ensure that the virtual puppies remain valuable and unique assets that owners can be proud of. With the Pochi Inu NFTs, owners can enjoy a new level of engagement and interaction, providing a unique and exciting experience that goes beyond traditional NFTs.

The Pochi Inu NFTs offer a unique type of passive income for owners. As your virtual puppy grows and develops, its value will increase, providing you with a valuable asset that you can trade and sell on the market. With the Pochi Inu tokens, owners can feed their virtual pets, and over time, accumulate a valuable collection of unique and rare NFTs.

In conclusion, Pochi Inu is a groundbreaking project that brings a new level of engagement and interaction to the world of NFTs. With its innovative concept of growth and decay, robust smart contracts, and unique type of passive income, Pochi Inu offers dog lovers and NFT enthusiasts a unique and exciting experience that is sure to captivate and inspire.


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