


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$19,909,818.62
Fully Diluted Valuation$100,000,000
ATH Date4/30/2021, 1:08:22 PM
ATL Date11/3/2020, 5:29:34 PM
Circulating Supply164M
Total Supply358M
Popularity Rank133
What is PancakeSwap?

PancakeSwap is a unique and innovative platform in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, offering a decentralized exchange (DEX) and yield farming project built on Binance Smart Chain (now BNB Chain). The platform utilizes an automated market maker (AMM) concept, where users trade against a liquidity pool. Users can become liquidity providers (LP) by contributing to these pools with their funds and depositing them into the liquidity pool. By doing so, they earn trading fees from the protocol and can receive CAKE, the platform's native governance token.

PancakeSwap was launched in September 2020 by a group of anonymous developers, but quickly rose to become one of the leading DEXes in the industry. The platform's popularity was driven by its low-cost transactions, enabled by Binance Smart Chain, and low swap fees of 0.2%, compared to the industry standard of 0.3%.

The platform's total value locked (TVL) rapidly increased in 2021 due to lower network costs, effective branding, and the introduction of new and creative services. PancakeSwap aims to expand its scope to include prediction markets, lending and borrowing, and margin trading.

PancakeSwap operates as an automated market maker, eliminating the need for an order book to connect buyers and sellers. The platform uses advanced algorithms and LPs to connect users directly, improving speed and minimizing slippage. The token swap feature on PancakeSwap allows users to exchange one BEP20 token for another using automated liquidity pools.

CAKE, the platform's native cryptocurrency, serves various purposes, including being a governance token, an incentive for liquidity providers, and a ticket for lottery. Users can stake their CAKE to earn various tokens offered as incentives on the platform, such as SYRUP, which serves as a governance token and a lottery ticket.

Overall, PancakeSwap is a unique and promising platform in the DeFi space, offering a decentralized exchange and yield farming project with low fees and a governance token that allows users to participate in the platform's decision-making process.

In addition to its use as a governance token, CAKE is also used to pay for transaction fees on the PancakeSwap platform. As the platform grows and expands its services, the use of CAKE is expected to increase.

One of the key benefits of PancakeSwap is its low fee structure, which is made possible by the use of CAKE. The platform charges a 0.2% swap fee, compared to the industry norm of 0.3%, making it more cost-effective for users. This low fee structure has been a major factor in the platform's success and has helped it to attract a large number of users and liquidity providers.

PancakeSwap also offers a unique feature known as "Syrup Pools," which allow users to stake their tokens in specific pools to earn additional rewards. These pools offer a range of incentives, such as increased trading fees or access to exclusive products and services. The use of CAKE is also integrated into these pools, allowing users to earn additional CAKE by staking their tokens in the Syrup Pools.

As PancakeSwap continues to grow and evolve, the use of CAKE is expected to play an increasingly important role in the platform's ecosystem. With its low fee structure, innovative features, and growing user base, PancakeSwap is well-positioned to become one of the leading decentralised exchanges in the DeFi space.


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