


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$0
Fully Diluted Valuation$4,226,226
ATH Date9/2/2021, 10:02:40 AM
ATL Date12/17/2022, 1:59:36 AM
Circulating Supply46M
Total Supply1B
Popularity Rank3908
What is OpenSwap?

OpenSwap is a next-generation DEX that aims to offer innovative swapping and liquidity solutions to enable DeFi users to efficiently and effectively swap and provide liquidity in the growing multi-chain landscape. As the DeFi universe continues to expand, on-chain liquidity becomes increasingly scattered and less efficient across multiple chains. The situation is poised to get worse as new chains emerge with individual DEXs on each chain. OpenSwap is introduced by a team of seasoned technology experts who are supported by IJS Technologies, with contracts reviewed by CertiK, Beosin, and Peckshield. OpenSwap is also part of the first cohort of Impossible Finance.

OpenSwap is envisioned as a next-generation DEX that is composed of a basket of self-service DeFi technologies that can be freely mixed and matched like lego blocks and be structured for different needs and in different market conditions. OpenSwap's technologies can cater to all ends of the decentralized funnel, protecting swappers from what previously were thought of as "must-haves" on-chain and cross-chain problems, allowing users to have access to the best yield and incentives, and enabling projects to establish funding and sustained token health, giving project teams the freedom and bandwidth to focus on what they do best - BUIDL.

OpenSwap is introduced by a team of experienced and skilled technology experts who are backed by IJS Technologies. The contracts have been reviewed by CertiK, Beosin, and Peckshield, which adds an additional layer of trust and security to the platform. OpenSwap is also part of the first cohort of Impossible Finance, which is a network of blockchain entrepreneurs, investors, and builders.

OSWAP token is the governance token of the OpenSwap ecosystem. The core purposes of the OSWAP token are to incentivize usage of the OpenSwap platform, encourage users to get involved in governance, and enable a wide variety of platform privileges surrounding core technologies and ecosystem offerings.

OpenSwap offers several generic utilities surrounding core technologies and ecosystem offerings. The OpenSwap Bridge connects different blockchains and allows users to transfer assets across different chains. The Liquidity Queue and Priority Queue are used by liquidity providers who want to set up a Priority Queue, and OSWAP tokens are required for the setup fees.

OpenSwap also offers the Range Queue, Group Queue, and Booster Queue for users who want to set up a Range Queue, Group Queue, or Booster Queue, respectively. Project owners who want to set up these queues will need OSWAP tokens for the setup fees.

In addition, OpenSwap offers the Buyback Queue and NFT Loyalty Program. Project owners who want to set up a Buyback Queue will need OSWAP tokens for the setup fees. Users who want to participate in NFT Loyalty Program, such as Troll Camp, will need OSWAP tokens for staking.

OpenSwap also offers Fixed Staking Rewards and Troll Farms for users who want to participate in staking and farming programs. Users who want to participate in Fixed Staking Rewards programs will need OSWAP for staking. Users who want to participate in farming programs, such as Troll Farms, will need OSWAP for LP token creation.

OSWAP token was established as an ERC20 token and was bridged to Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to enable the governance of the BSC version of OpenSwap during the initial launch. As the OpenSwap project matures and develops, the token will continue to be bridged to other chains. The OSWAP token has been designed to support a sustainable long-term project, ensuring community member confidence through long-term vesting periods for core team allocations and related tokens. With a hard-capped total token supply of 1 billion, the OSWAP token incentivizes the usage of the OpenSwap platform, encourages user involvement in governance, and enables a wide variety of platform privileges. With its innovative swapping and liquidity solutions, OpenSwap is poised to address the challenge of onchain liquidity becoming increasingly scattered and less efficient across multiple chains, and provide a next-generation DEX that can cater to all ends of the decentralized funnel. The OpenSwap team, with the support of IJS Technologies and the review of contracts by CertiK, Beosin, and Peckshield, is committed to building a community-driven and sustainable DeFi ecosystem, focused on BUIDLing for the future.


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