


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$24.01
Fully Diluted Valuation$100,000,000
ATH Date10/6/2022, 10:02:02 AM
ATL Date9/29/2022, 12:50:56 AM
Circulating SupplyN/A
Total Supply1B
Popularity Rank12709
What is Metasphere?

MetaSphere is a one-of-a-kind metaverse platform that operates on the Ethereum blockchain, offering a secure virtual space for its users through the LAND existing within the metaverse. This innovative platform is designed to be accessible to individuals from all walks of life, even those who are new to virtual assets, as it uses blockchain technology to ensure the safe ownership of virtual spaces.

The versatility of MetaSphere is unmatched, with its virtual spaces being suitable for a wide range of activities such as gaming, exhibitions, and conferences. The platform aims to become the go-to metaverse platform, offering various advantages like scarcity, revenue generation, and interoperability to its users.

Moreover, MetaSphere has integrated with MetaRare token to provide users with the ability to use various tokens within the MetaSphere ecosystem. This integration opens up a whole new world of opportunities, allowing users to make the most of the platform. The virtual world created by MetaSphere uses blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to give players and creators the autonomy they need to operate effectively.

NFTs are quickly becoming an important player in the global game market, and MetaSphere leverages this emerging technology to offer a virtual token with digital scarcity, security, and authenticity. NFTs have unique and distinct characteristics, making them one-of-a-kind and impossible to exchange or divide into other tokens.

In conclusion, MetaSphere is a visionary platform that offers a secure and versatile virtual space for its users. With its integration of blockchain technology and NFTs, it is changing the game by providing a platform with digital scarcity, security, and value. Whether you're a gamer, creator, or entrepreneur, MetaSphere is the platform for you.


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