


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$0
Fully Diluted ValuationN/A
ATH Date9/26/2021, 10:35:51 PM
ATL Date10/2/2021, 7:28:34 AM
Circulating SupplyN/A
Total Supply500M
Popularity Rank9761
What is FlyPaper?

FlyPaper ($STICKY) is a community-driven DeFi token built on the Binance Smart Chain that rewards its holders with static rewards. The token has a fixed supply of 500 million $STICKY, and no mint or burn functions are present. When users conduct transactions with $STICKY, 4% of each transaction is distributed among all token holders as static rewards, while the contract address stores 2% of each transaction indefinitely.

At present, 21.62% of the total $STICKY token supply is in Pancakeswap liquidity, with 99% of the LP tokens locked in a DxSale token locker for 77 years. Additionally, 8.55% of the total supply is stored in a DxSale Presale contract. The top 5 holders own approximately 15% of the total supply.

The token has a 4% tax fee and a 2% charity fee on all transfers where both the sender and recipient are not excluded from fees. The tax fee collected from transactions is removed from the circulating supply, while the charity fee is stored in the contract address and cannot be withdrawn. The contract enforces a maximum transaction amount of 500 million tokens for all transfers and adheres to the BEP20 standard while utilizing the SafeMath library.

Ownership controls are transparent, with the ownership renounced. Previously, the owner could modify the tax fee and charity fee, exclude and include accounts from transfer fees and reward distribution, update the maximum transaction amount, and call the Manualswap() and Manualsend() functions at any time. Additionally, the owner could use the "lock" function to temporarily set ownership to address(0), with ownership being restored after the duration of time determined by the owner using the 'unlock' function.

FlyPaper ($STICKY) offers a transparent and secure platform for DeFi enthusiasts. With its community-driven approach and fixed supply, the token offers a fair opportunity for all holders to earn static rewards. The token's utilization of the SafeMath library and adherence to BEP20 standards ensure security and reliability for all users. With ownership controls transparently renounced, $STICKY offers a trustworthy platform for all DeFi enthusiasts.


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