Anchor Protocol

Anchor Protocol


Key Metrics

Real Volume (24H)$31,075.12
Fully Diluted Valuation$29,068,664
ATH Date3/19/2021, 11:34:07 AM
ATL Date5/13/2022, 5:19:13 AM
Circulating Supply350M
Total Supply1B
Popularity Rank1816
What is Anchor Protocol?

Anchor-Protocol (ANC) is a revolutionary savings protocol built on the Terra blockchain, which offers instant withdrawals, stable yields, and accepts Terra deposits. The Anchor protocol was introduced to bridge the gap between DeFi and the masses by providing an easy-to-use, accessible savings product.

While DeFi already offered several financial applications, including collateralized lending and decentralized exchanges, it lacked a simple and convenient savings product. Anchor recognized the need for a low-volatility yield savings product that would appeal to both crypto natives and mainstream users.

The key feature of the Anchor-Protocol is its ability to stabilize deposit yields by passing on a variable fraction of the bAsset yield to depositors. A bAsset is a token that represents ownership of a staked PoS asset and pays the holder block rewards. By lending out deposits to borrowers who put down liquid-staked PoS assets from major blockchains as collateral, Anchor generates yield and stabilizes the deposit interest rate.

Unlike Compound and Maker, whose deposit yields are highly cyclical, Anchor offers depositors a single, reliable rate of return across all blockchains. The platform aggregates block rewards from all major PoS blockchains to set the benchmark yield for the blockchain economy. The return that depositors can expect with Anchor is a function of borrowers' on-chain income.

In addition to savings products, Anchor also supports various financial applications, such as price and staking yield leverage. Users can put their assets as collateral to borrow stablecoins and buy more of the same asset, thus leveraging their positions. They can also take advantage of low-rate periods by purchasing bAssets whose yield exceeds their borrowing cost.

The Anchor protocol's liquidation pool is a higher-risk, higher-return product that provides liquidation financing for Anchor debt positions. The liquidation contracts help ensure the sustainability of the protocol's liquidity pool, which is essential for its long-term viability.

ANC is the token ticker for the Anchor-Protocol, which runs on the Terra blockchain. The platform's stable yield and the potential for yield farming make ANC an attractive investment option for cryptocurrency investors.

In conclusion, Anchor-Protocol is a revolutionary savings protocol that bridges the gap between DeFi and mainstream users. Its low-volatility yield and stable deposit interest rate make it an accessible and easy-to-use savings product for crypto natives and non-crypto users alike. With a range of financial applications and the potential for yield farming, Anchor-Protocol is poised to become a leading player in the DeFi ecosystem.


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